Registration terms & conditions

A PDF of the terms and conditions can be downloaded here.


These terms and conditions apply to the registration to the 83rd FIP World Congress Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science organised by the International Pharmaceutcal Federation (FIP) from 31 August to 3 September 2025 (including pre-opening day on Saturday 30 August). The registration will be done via the registration software provided by EventsAir. The networking app is also provided by EventsAir.

By registering to attend FIP 2025 yourself or on another’s behalf, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions, please read these carefully:

  • You can register for the congress online.
  • We cannot take responsibility if bookings made by other methods do not reach us. When you book online you will receive an auto-acknowledgment with your invoice by e-mail once you have completed your registration. Closer to the congress you will also receive an email with login details to get access to the app.
  • If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail with the invoice in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you still do not see the confirmation e-mail, please contact the FIP Congress team by email.
  • We accept and process registrations on the basis that you have followed all the internal procurement procedures of your organisation, and you will be charged accordingly. By registering, you are also confirming that the information you submit is accurate and complete.
  • Registrations are made at your own risk and we cannot take responsibility for registrations booked in error. This responsibility lies with your organisation or you if you are booking as a private individual. Furthermore, we will not refund the registration fee or any other costs should you register in error and fail to cancel with adequate cancellation notice.

Minimum age

Due to current health and safety regulations and legislation in effect, the parent/guardian must submit and provide a copy of the completed parent/guardian consent form for accompanying persons under the age of 18. This form can be requested from the congress secretariat by e-mail.
The parent/guardian must always accompany the minor when they are in the congress venue or any related venues. The delegate they are accompanying will be held responsible for all actions of the minor under the age of 18.


The name badge should be picked up onsite at the registration desk.
The registration desk will be located at the entrances to the Bella Center, Center Blvd. 5, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark, and will be open during the following hours:

  • Saturday 30 August: 07:30 – 17:00
  • Sunday 31 August: 08:00 – 17:00
  • Monday 1 September – Tuesday 2 September: 07:30 – 17:00
  • Wednesday 3 September: 08:00 – 15:00

For organisational and security reasons, the name badge must be always worn during the congress. Access to the different areas will not be granted without a proper name badge. Registrants may not share a pass between multiple registrants.

Name change

All registrations are strictly personal: replacements or name changes are not possible. You may be asked to show an identification document (e.g. passport) when picking up your badge at the registration desk.


FIP member

Members will receive an automated email on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 with a dedicated link in order to register. If you have not received this link, please send an e-mail to the Congress Secretariat.

In order to qualify for the reduced congress registration fee for FIP members, you must have been a member of FIP at least two years:

  • Or been a member in 2024 and have fully paid your membership fees for 2025.
  • Or become a member before the first day of the congress and pay for two years in advance (2025 and 2026).

If you would like to check your membership status, please click here.
For any questions regarding membership please send an email to
If you are not a member of FIP yet, click here to learn more and apply for your membership.

Student/recent graduate

In order to qualify for the student/recent graduate fee, three conditions must be met:

  • You must still be a student or have graduated from your last pharmacy or life science study after September 2017.
  • The maximum age to apply is approx 35 years.
  • You must attach to your online registration a copy of your passport and an official document signed by the dean of the faculty, proving your student/recent graduate status (jpeg/.gif/.bmp/.png, max. 200Kb).

Unless the congress registration office has received satisfactory proof of your student status, the regular registration fee will apply.

Council delegate

Registered council delegates will receive a supplement programme for member organisations as well as the council agenda six weeks before the council meeting.
Please note that only ONE council delegate can be appointed per organisation.


In order to qualify for press registration, you must have applied for and been granted an official invitation code from the FIP communications department via the press and media section of the congress website.
Once registered as a regular delegate, the registration cannot be changed to a Press registration.

Accompanying persons

A participant can register one accompanying person. The fee for accompanying persons does NOT include admission to the congress sessions and therefore they have only access to the exhibition.

NB: The parent/guardian must submit and provide a copy of the completed parent/guardian consent form for accompanying persons under the age of 18. This form can be requested from the congress secretariat by e-mail. The parent/guardian must accompany the minor at all times when they are in the congress venue or any related venues. The delegate they are accompanying will be held responsible for all actions of the minor under the age of 18.

On-site registration

If you register or pay on site, the on-site fee is applicable.
On-site payment of registration fees can be made: Credit cards (VISA and MasterCard) will be accepted.

On-site day cards

Day cards can only be purchased on-site. Pre-registration for a day card is not possible.
Please note: It is not possible to exchange a full congress pre-registration for a day card.


  • Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to FIP HQ in the Netherlands.
  • In case of cancellation before or on Monday 2 June 2025 (23.59 CEST), the registration fee less an administration fee of 10% will be refunded.
  • In case of cancellation between Tuesday 3 June and Monday 11 August 2025 (23.59 CEST), the registration fee less an administration fee of 50% will be refunded.
  • As of Tuesday 12 August 2025 (00:00 CEST) the registration fee will not be refunded.
  • The terms of cancellation are applicable in all circumstances, including if a visa is officially refused to the participant and/or accompanying person. Delegates are strongly advised to apply for their visa at least three months before traveling to Denmark to ensure adequate processing times (that is, no later than the end of May 2025 for congress delegates).
  • Should a delegate not attend the congress, for whatever reason, no further claims for reimbursement or waiving of fees can be made.
  • Any refund to credit card payments may only be credited back to the original credit card and cannot be refunded to a different card or bank account.


  • FIP 2025 falls into a derogatory rule for VAT purpose. Please refer respectively to articles 53 and 54 of the EU VAT directive 2006/112/CE.
  • The VAT rate of the country where the congress takes place applies when paying for registration. Even if your organisation is VAT registered, FIP must apply local VAT and pay this VAT to the Danish Authorities.
  • The VAT number used for this congress will be DK 13448167.


By registering for this congress, you (the registrant) agree that your personal data will be processed by FIP (Andries Bickerweg 5, 2517 JP The Hague for registration and handling purposes, as well as to send you information in connection with all FIP events. Any personal data will be solely used in accordance with current EU and Dutch data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to any not contracted third party without the registrant’s written consent. If you do not submit the data indicated as “required”, we cannot complete your registration. FIP is compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the way we collect, use and store your data.
For more information, please refer to FIP’s Data Protection Policy that can consulted at the FIP website.


FIP and official partners of the congress reserves the right to photograph and videotape the congress and social events and all its attendees and to use these photographs and videos in any internal and external communication related to FIP 2025 including, but not limited to, its websites and mobile applications, social media pages, congress daily newspapers, congress programme, newsletters, publications and annual reports.

By registering for the congress, the registrant explicitly agrees to the use of his/her image in any FIP publicity material without any compensation in perpetuity. Any personal data will be solely used in accordance with current EU and Dutch data protection legislation.


The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Association of Danish Pharmacies and Pharmadanmark as congress partners, and the contracted suppliers (hereafter called the organisers) may be not held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Liability of persons and enterprises providing means of transportation or other services, however, remains unaffected. It is recommended that participants obtain adequate cover for travel, health and accident insurance before they depart from their countries.

The organisers cannot accept responsibility for personal injuries, or loss of, or damage to, private property belonging to the congress participants. Should, for any reason outside the organisers control (including but not limited to acts of terrorism, extreme weather conditions and/or industrial action) the venue or speakers change, or the congress be cancelled, the organisers will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by registrants. If for any reason the organisers decide to make changes to the congress, they are not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by registrants. The participants take part in the congress, tours and trips at their own risk.

Furthermore, the organisers may not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred resulting from acts outside of their control including but not limited to force majeure, strikes and/or public manifestations.

Only written arrangements are binding. The sole legal venue is The Hague. Registration of a participant entails acceptance of these conditions. In any disputes that may arise concerning the execution or interpretation of these regulations, both parties agree that they will be subject to Dutch law and that the commercial courts of The Hague will be competent, without prejudice to the organisers right to initiate proceedings under the laws and before the courts of the participants registered office in the event any sums are due by the participant to FIP.


Certificate of congress attendance

In order to avoid unnecessary printing, all participants will be emailed their certificate of congress attendance as a PDF within 10 days of the close of the congress. Accompanying persons do not receive a certificate of attendance.

Abstract certificate

Certificates for poster or oral presentations, will be automatically emailed to the presenting author within 10 days of the close of the congress.

A PDF of the terms and conditions can be downloaded here.